Twin Cities Photography Mentor

Hey! I'm miranda.

I've learned a lot in my long-and-winding 15 year journey, and I'd love nothing more than to share allll the things to help you evolve into the photographer you're on the road to becoming!

If you're looking for somebody to help you perfectly arrange a group portrait of 20 people, I'm probably not the mentor for you. But if you're looking to refine your technical skills & editing while upleveling your ability to document real-time events and genuine connections, I've got ya covered.

(Just a little disclaimer: I only take on a limited number of coaching mentees at a time. Mentorship services are subject to availability. If I'm full, I'll let ya know - but I'd still love to hear from you! Just message me below and we can take it from there ✌🏼)

interested in working together?!

just fill out the form! ↴