A mother smiles down at her newborn baby as she sits on the couch in soft window light

Here's the thing about having a newborn:

Everything is a dang. blur.

I think for a lot of us, when we look back at this time, our memories are there, but they're a little (or maybe a lot) hazy. I met a mother earlier this week who deeply regretted never scheduling professional newborn photos for her children (now ages 5 and 9). She was so bummed about not having the time professionally documented, but didn't think much about booking anything at the time. Hindsight's always 20/20, right?

And that's the thing. In the moment, it's easy to get caught up in all the reasons that booking newborn photos can feel like "too much." We lose sight of all the reasons why our future selves (and the future versions of our children) will be forever grateful that we just did the thing, even though we didn't feel 100% ready. And friends, your future self will thank you. Because no matter what you had to do in the moment to make it happen, you'll be walking away with little snapshots of moments frozen in time during a time where it felt like time couldn't be grasped, every day blending into the next.

A mother holds her newborn baby and kisses him on the cheek. He wears a sage green infant gown.

Let's take a deeper dive, my friends. Below are the five main reasons I hear moms say they hesitate on booking in-home newborn photos for their babes (and why you should let go of that stress and schedule anyway).

1. I'm not going to feel "photo ready" after my baby is born

Mamas, your body has just done the most amazing thing.


Freaking amazing. So let me just start there, and say that you and your baby are absolute miracles and I'm so unbelievably proud of you.

Beyond that, let's take a look at a few other reasons you should move past this hesitation:

  1. Your baby is only this tiny once - you don't want to look back wishing you had these photos. By then it will be too late. Do the thing and book them now. Also, I always book a tentative date within two weeks after Baby's date of birth - but - if you're not up for it in that window and want to give yourself a little more time, that is 100% doable.
  2. Use your session as an excuse to get pampered! (Hell, to maybe shower and dress in real clothes? Trust me, you'll feel like a queen.) Mothering a newborn can suck the motivation to get ready right out of you, but it sure feels amazing once you push through and give it a go.
  3. These photos are just as much for them as they are for you. Do you love digging back in the archives and seeing your parents in the early days? So will they.
Collage of photos of a mother with her newborn baby and two preschool-aged sons
2. I'm not going to feel ready to clean my house

Trust me, I'm not ready for you to clean your house either. I would be amazed to walk into a spotlessly-clean home for any new parent (and twice as amazed if your baby has older siblings). Do your best to pick up the main areas you envision in your photos (or don't, and we can embrace the chaos true-to-documentary style). Other quick tips include enlisting help from grandparents, aunts, and uncles the day before your session, shoving the clutter into a closet, or having me help you move it aside on the big day. Any way you choose to approach it, don't let this be the deterrent that keeps you from getting your session booked!

Collage of four images from an in-home lifestyle newborn photography session in Minnesota
3. my house is too dark

🙋🏼‍♀️ Have you seen my work?! I live for shadows and mood. Honestly a single window is all we need in order for me to get the dreamy contrast I need for Baby's photos. (Also, I always bring lighting equipment for if/when we need a bit of a boost. Either way, I've got you covered.)

Collage of three in-home newborn photos in low light

Have I mentioned that I live for low-light photos? Also note how focusing on the light and/or coming in close can direct your focus to the subjects instead of their surroundings.

4. my house is too small

A single space is all I need! I could honestly photograph an entire session with a single window in a single space (and I've definitely had sessions where all photographs happen in one room). Bonus for this one? We'll capture all the cozy vibes that come along with cuddling up close to squeeze into the frame.

Collage of four lifestyle in-home newborn photos taken in a single room

This entire session was shot in a single room, and I adore each and every photo we created!


With the right light, the right lenses, and the right angles, we can work to minimize anything you don't want in the frame. That said - don't you love looking at pre-renovation photos of your current house or your childhood home? I adore the nostalgia that comes along with seeing a space as it was before it got turned into what I envisioned it to be. It's all part of the story - your story - and it all deserves to be documented.

Collage of four lifestyle in-home newborn photos taken in a basement with artificial light

*bonus item:


Believe it or not, I've worked with this situation on more than one occasion, and I have absolutely adored the results each and every time. Looking back at these photos will give you such an endearing sense of nostalgia for this time in your world, so go ahead and book that session. I've got you covered.

Collage of four lifestyle in-home newborn photos taken for a family temporarily living with Mom's parents

This gallery and the one above were both photographed for families that were in-between houses at the time.

If you've been dragging your feet on scheduling your in-home newborn photos for any of these reasons, skip the doubts and book already! We've got it all under control. Still have questions about whether in-home newborn photos are right for you? Message me today - I'd love to chat.

A photo of Miranda appears "taped" next to her contact information