When you look back on your family photos from your family photo session, I want you to feel warm.

I want you to be brought back to those moments of connection you experienced with your family. Spoiler alert: this isn’t going to happen if you and your crew are frustrated, stressed, pressed for time, or otherwise “not in the game.” It sucks when you’re expecting something out of your kids and they’re not cooperating. But, here’s my little secret — there's no such thing as "cooperating" for a family photo session with me. I will literally chase your kids around the park and document that. And, if that’s how they’re acting during our session, I’m willing to bet they act like that at home which means we’re documenting them, as they are, which is what I’m all about.

So whether you’ve had professional photos done on a yearly basis or you’re just starting out and don’t know what to expect, here’s some info on how I help keep things smooth and relaxed for your family photo session:

Smooth Sailing: How I cultivate a relaxed atmosphere for your family photo session

Pre-session Preparation is Key

From the moment you set your family photo session date, I’m here to be your guide. I’ll send you all the info on choosing the perfect location and wardrobe, and walk you through all you need to know to keep you feeling comfortable and confident the day of your family photo session.

Authenticity FTW

Gone are the days of pleading with your kiddos for that forced "cheese-y" grin. I’ll take the lead on getting their attention and enticing natural expressions. Trust me when I say you’re gonna love these photos so much more than the forced “smile” that comes with asking them to say cheese. I also solemnly swear never to ask you to laugh (if you’ve ever been in that position, you know it’s the actual worst).

Playfulness Over Poses

We’re here to capture your family’s vibe and the energy of your kids, and, unless you’re sitting in front of a TV screen (or maybe not even then), I’m willing to bet you don’t usually spend your time together holding the same awkward position for minutes at a time. So, we’re not gonna do that at your family photos, either. I’ll guide you through a series of games and playful activities throughout your family photo session. Laughter and spontaneity are highly encouraged! Those genuine moments we want to capture are going to be much more abundant if everyone is relaxed and having fun.

Bring on the Chaos: Your Kids Can Be Kids

I thrive in chaos. When your kids are in their element, it’s what puts me in mine. In fact, I feed off of that energy to cultivate an atmosphere where everyone can settle in and be themselves. Since our time together will be centered around games, I’m more than happy to take the wheel. Scolding and threats of taking away screen time won’t be necessary that’s not what you or your kids want to remember when you look at your photos (plus, taking away screen time is just going to make it that much harder to do the dishes. IKYK.) So, we’ll lead the way with playfulness and let your kids run the show (don’t they anyway? Why resist?) 

Age-Appropriate Expectations

I know what to expect from your kiddos at each age and stage. Toddlers are going to be busy and distracted, preschoolers are going to love toilet humor and have big feelings, older siblings are either going to be all about “jobs” and helping out or are going to be shy and withdrawn (which is all a-ok, because I’m guessing that’s part of their personality and we want them to be them). I’ve seen it all, I can handle it all, and I can capture it all in a way that feels true to you.

60 Minutes of Magic: Allowing Time to Unwind

A full-length family photo session with me is around 60 minutes ample time for kids to warm up to me, and for everyone to settle in, relax, and play. It's not a rushed affair; it's an experience designed to capture the essence of your family (which likely won't come out in full force in the first 20 minutes of family photos).

If heavily-posed, everyone-looking-and-smiling-like-an-angel portraits are your thing, I might not be your girl. But if you want the energy of your kids, their unique expressions, and the special connections you share caught on camera, I’ve got ya covered. Let’s turn your chaos into art. Click here to book a call and start your journey.

A photo of Miranda appears "taped" next to her contact information